Resources for the PSAP Professionals

Resources for the PSAP Professionals

It was twelve years into my career before I learned about organizations that support work done in a PSAP and those individuals serving in the Telecommunicator career. Up until that point, I had no idea about the wealth of knowledge, support, training, and backing...
Firefighting, Past, Present, and Future

Firefighting, Past, Present, and Future

Firefighting as we know it in 2022, has obviously changed from the first attempts at firefighting and will continue to evolve with technology updates that are so advanced, early firefighters couldn’t have fathomed them. The earliest evidence of controlled fire dates...
The Calm in School Crisis Calls

The Calm in School Crisis Calls

In the face of a school shooting, panic, fear, and chaos tend to reign supreme. However, amidst this turmoil, there are individuals who play a critical role in ensuring the safety of students and staff: 9-1-1 dispatchers. These unsung heroes are the first point of...