As the first point of contact for emergency response teams, dispatchers play a vital role in ensuring that the right resources are sent to the right location at the right time. While much attention is given to the technical aspects of dispatching, such as call prioritization and resource allocation, the role of dispatch attitude on the radio is often overlooked. In this article, we’ll explore the impact that dispatch attitude can have on the effectiveness of the emergency response, and provide tips for maintaining a positive and professional attitude on the radio.

The Importance of Dispatch Attitude

Dispatchers are the first point of contact for emergency responders, and as such, their attitude can set the tone for the entire response. A positive, calm, and professional stance can help to reassure responders and encourage effective communication. In return, a negative or abrasive temperament can lead to confusion, frustration, and mistakes. Working in emergency response can be stressful and demanding but the tone one sets on the radio also impact the inside of the communications center. A positive and supportive attitude can help to boost morale and foster a sense of teamwork and camaraderie, while a negative or unsupportive attitude can lead to resentment, burnout, and turnover.

Tips for Maintaining a Positive Attitude on the Radio

Maintaining a positive and professional attitude on the radio can be challenging, especially in high-stress situations. However, with the right mindset and approach, dispatchers can help to ensure that their attitude contributes to effective emergency response.

One of the most important things that dispatchers can do to maintain a positive attitude on the radio is to stay calm and focused, even in the midst of a crisis. By taking deep breaths, remaining centered, and focusing on the task at hand, dispatchers can help to avoid becoming overwhelmed or emotional and can maintain a professional demeanor. Furthermore, the language that dispatchers use on the radio can have a significant influence on their attitudes and on the attitude of others. By using positive and supportive language, dispatchers can help to encourage effective communication and foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration.

Avoiding negative or critical language, and reframing challenges as opportunities can also help maintain a positive attitude. Another important aspect of maintaining a positive attitude on the radio is to be empathetic and respectful towards responders and other dispatchers. By putting themselves in the shoes of others, dispatchers can better understand their needs and concerns and can respond in a way that is respectful and supportive.

Take Care of Yourself

Finally, it’s important for dispatchers to take care of themselves in order to maintain a positive attitude on the radio, and in the comm center. This includes getting enough rest, eating healthy foods, and engaging in activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction. By taking care of themselves, dispatchers can avoid becoming overwhelmed or burnt out, and can maintain a positive and professional attitude.